There were once three brothers. Their real names don't matter because they were always called Toughy, Smarty and Mouse.

Welcome to the Grasshopper Island fan site. Created with fondness by two fans for all fans of the 1971 book and TV series!

We visited Grasshopper Island - Corsica 2024!

In April 2024 we packed our bags and arrived at Haute-Corse - Northern Corsica - for a holiday but also to try and visit as many Grasshopper Island filming locations as we could! What we found was a truly beautiful island, with exceptional beaches and picturesque towns, and some of the nicest local people we could have hoped to meet. Our mission was a complete success - we found more than we could have dreamed of. Please Visit our blog to read about the Blue Button Expedition - our adventure in Corsica! We hope to write new entries throughout April and May 2024.

grasshopper island corsica expedition

2020 was the 50th Anniversary

2020 was the 50th anniversary of production and 2021 marked the 50th anniversary of the first broadcast! We hope this website helps to mark the occasion and to bring back happy memories for elderly boys and girls. And maybe to introduce this wonderful story to a new generation of children who enjoy adventures outside.

Grasshopper Island Anniversary

I think at one point in childhood, all of us have dreamed of leaving all the annoying adults behind and trotting off to fend for ourselves. Maybe some even tried it! Well, that's exactly what these 3 brothers decided to do. And where better to go than a sunny uninhabited island. But is it uninhabited? They will soon find out.

Grasshopper Island Jahrestag